All true life is meeting.
- Martin Buber

English > A new location for La Prudence in Douala

Herewith an update of Tasha and Diane’s project. The project has found a new location that is much larger and easier to reach. The rent of this new location is one year prepaid.

Veronique, Nurse aid

Veronique, Nurse aid

The center had to be redesigned to function as a fully fledged health center, with the possibility, if necessary, to take people on for several days.

Also, a pharmacy is set up so that patients no longer have to walk a long distance to a much more expensive pharmacy. The pharmacy is also a source of income for Tasha and Diane, with which they hope to get the center financially independent.

Patient receiving drip

Patient receiving drip

After several months there was also a need to set up a small laboratory for blood and other tests. In May last year, a previously in the Netherlands purchased microscope was sent to Douala in the container of Kameroenwerkt! Fortunately, the microscope also arrived at the right place.