All true life is meeting.
- Martin Buber

English > Development of the Bymyra Bilingual School 2011- 2019. Interview Ida Ndow

The Bymyra Bilingual School in Sukuta Gambia is developing rapidly. In 2011, Ida began with three children in a rented apartment. When the owner wanted to live in it himself, she decided to sell her land and jewels and start a real school. Meanwhile there are 130 students, a number which will move to 200, the next years. Due to lack of place there will have to be built in height to allow all students.

The Bymyra Bilingual School is unique in The Gambia with its focus on real estate education, hygiene, clean, pleasant environment, modern educational resources and a very inspired schoolhead and education team. Cameroon Works has in recent years his bit worn in to help a unique school in the midst of the difficult situation Gambian education. See here the interview Bertie KW had Ida Ndow in July 2019

Video: Interview Ida window.setInterval Development Bymyra Bilingual School from 2011 to 2019