All true life is meeting.
- Martin Buber

English > Great development of space for the Bymyra Bilingual school

KW has started raising 80,000 euros in experiences with it in the Bymyra school 8 new regular classrooms, 5 specialist classrooms and a large multifunctional space are being built. Everything with sustainable materials such as the self-pressed bricks of red sand with very little cement.

Three new videos give a good picture of all developments.

Filmpje 4  Journey through the construction of new classrooms

Filmpje 5 ‘Vision and practice’ part 1 an unedited interview from Ida Now head of the Bymyra Bilingual School and Bertie Hendriks part 1

Filmpje 6 ‘Vision and practice’ part 2 an unedited interview from Ida Now head of the Bymyra Bilingual School and Bertie Hendriks part 2