Give me work that suits me and I shall never have to work again.
- Confucius

English > Bymyra Vocational Education Campus

Vocational Education Bymira Vocational Education Campus
Since 2021 Cameroon Works, together with ROC Tilburg and Bymyra Bilingual School, has been working on generally accessible vocational education in The Gambia. The starting points are:

  1. Cooperation between representatives of Western knowledge and capital and Africans based on meeting and trust;
  2. Vocational education should provide added value to local independent sustainable economic development in Africa;
  3. Talent acquisition and development of young Gambians is independent of their parents’ income;
  4. Parallel to the training effort, commercial start-ups lead to such a level of profitability that teachers’ salaries can be paid for them.

The collaboration has now led to the purchase of a campus site of 1.2 hectares, the realization of buildings, gardens, off-grid water and energy supply and a well-equipped classroom for practical education in the field of metalworking and (solar) electrical engineering. This room is mainly the result of the efforts of Ida Now, the students of ROC Tilburg, their staff and sponsors in 2023. See this video.

In the near future we will start about 10 new cooperation projects with Dutch vocational education. You can read this in our Project Plan Vocational Education Gambia 2023/2026.20230312 Vocational Education Gambia

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Phone: +31 651395368